Daniel Domscheit-Berg (better abbreviated to “Shite”),
his books, his views while inside WikiLeaks
and a good laugh about it...
his books, his views while inside WikiLeaks
and a good laugh about it...
Books / March 2, 2011 antic
By Ramon Glazov
From The
eXiled’s Special Australasia Correspondent
AUSTRALIA–First, the Right accused WikiLeaks of endangering US soldiers and
Afghan informers. Then after “Cablegate” the neocons conceded to the lack of
evidence and switched to the opposite tactic: insisting there was nothing
exciting at all about Julian Assange’s leaks. Spectator editorials
appeared, claiming we already knew Sarkozy was a narcissist and Berlusconi was
a womaniser. This didn’t work either. The cables had a lot of new information
about DynCorp bribing Afghan police with “dancing boys” and Mubarak telling the
US to install a “fair dictator” in Iraq.
Now a
much easier way to discredit WikiLeaks has emerged: attacking Assange as a
human being. It’s easy because there’s no need to touch any wider political
issues. It’s damaging because (regardless of how right he is) Assange still
needs technicians to work for him and a well-timed mutiny could hurt his
organisation more than any external pressure. Worse, the man probably is a
dickhead. He’s a brave dickhead, a talented dickhead, a necessary dickhead. He
has a better chance of crippling the war effort than any of his competitors.
But none of that makes him easy to work with. And WikiLeaks doesn’t just need
volunteers, but extremely skilled ones who can maintain large servers and keep
them running after all sorts of cyber attacks.
At the
moment, Assange’s most notable competitor is a squishy little Kraut by the name
of Daniel Domscheit-Berg (better abbreviated to “Shite”) who worked for
WikiLeaks until last September. On January 28th, he announced that he was
forming an “alternative” whistleblower site, “OpenLeaks.” Instead of publishing
documents directly, OpenLeaks plans to provide a select list of media groups
with inboxes and give leakers the choice of which inbox to send material to.
They do not, however, have the choice of getting documents put up for the
public to see. Instead they have to hope their selected editors will: a) find
the document “newsworthy,” and b) publish as much of it as possible without
trying to soften the impact. In other words, OpenLeaks isn’t really that open.
And it gets creepier – Domscheit-Berg seems hesitant to put up
more US documents, writing
that WikiLeaks “should have ruled out any further publication of the American
documents” after Bradley Manning’s arrest.
attack on Julian Assange has been three-pronged. Not only has he formed a rival
organisation, but he’s pinched several thousand documents from the WikiLeaks
server and refused to give them back to Assange. He claims this isn’t theft –
even though the leakers entrusted Assange with the docs, not him – because he
doesn’t plan to publish them. Instead, he’s keeping them “in a safe
environment,” whatever that means. Finally, he’s put out a memoir – Inside
Wikileaks – attacking Assange for chauvinism, transvestism, uncleanliness,
gluttony and animal abuse.
You see,
Domscheit-Berg’s main advantage over his Australian adversary is his blandness.
He’s monogamous, doesn’t play mind games with his employees and trusts his
government to “respect the law.” He also objects to Assange turning Wikileaks
into “a global political player – something it was never intended to be.”
(Intended by whom, I wonder? Domscheit-Berg doesn’t dispute that Assange is the
group’s “sole founder.”) He opposes Assange’s decision to give the name
“Collateral Murder” to footage of a US helicopter gunning down Reuters journalists.
And despite hanging around with an anarchist or two, Domscheit-Berg doesn’t
really seem to have much against the Iraq-Afghanistan occupations. The worst he
says is that “the suspicion can hardly be dismissed outright that the United
States waged war partly for economic reasons.” (It’s the “partly” that does
He even
suggests Assange only gave so much attention to US military documents because
focusing on Africa or Russia “wouldn’t have gotten him on the nightly news” or
improved his “status.” It’s the same old argument the Right has always used:
anyone who seriously challenges the status quo is just a narcissist. The goals
they’re trying to achieve aren’t half as important as their motivation. Well,
what if Assange is a narcissist? What if he is a jerk, a creep, a stalker, and
an absolute pig to everyone who knows him? At least he’s actually trying to
hurt the scum in power, fuck with bankers, and derail the war effort. Shite
doesn’t even believe a whistleblower page should be about hurting, but, rather,
about making the public “capable of behaving correctly” by giving them
sufficient background information.
nanny-leak philosophy is about as idealistic as he gets, if you call that
idealism. In other regards, his blandness merges with a cheerful pro-corporate
attitude. Regarding his wife’s job as a programmer, he says:
worked for Microsoft on open government projects. In principle, she was trying
to increase transparency from the top down, while [me and Assange] were working
from the bottom up. I thought she was probably very good at her job.
And just
in case you didn’t know what a perfectly bland, politically-correct teacher’s
pet he is, Domscheit-Berg dedicates his book to “My wife Anke, who is my
seems like he’s trying to convince himself that he’s satisfied being bland,
monogamous, and perfectly politically-correct. He admits that Assange’s alpha
mindset threatened his pious Puritanism:
I must
admit his fascination with women was contagious, even though I was already
spoken for.
On our
way back home from our absinthe evening, we both saw what amounted to an
apparition. A woman in hot pants and a tight top whizzed past us on
Rollerblades. We continued talking about the conference, other people we knew,
and our future plans, but every once in a while one of us would say “What a
woman!” Or “Boy, was she the business!”
scary picture. A debased Hessian IT worker who can’t fantasize about strangers
without getting a sick feeling he’s deserves to be served with a restraining
order. I don’t know if this retro Eurovision dweebiness is half as palpable in
the original German, but the translator’s done a fine job nonetheless. You can
almost hear ELO’s Xanadu soundtrack in the background when Shite
mentions his “apparition… on Rollerblades.” And yep, the good Puritanical
Domscheit-Berg’s favourite drugs are absinthe, weed and “a soft drink
containing stimulants,” to which he gives a cosy product placement spot. I
guess that’s supposed to show his healthy distrust of authority. Within
acceptable limits.
Domscheit-Berg’s Inside Wikileaks is more than just a cowardly smear
job. It’s a well written one, too. Domscheit-Berg dictated the book to a
journalist named Tina Klopp, whom, I suspect, is no stranger to Charles Portis
novels. There are moments in the memoir when Domscheit-Berg’s thoughts about
Assange are eerily similar to passages from Dog of the South. If you’ve
read the great eXiled-recommended novel Dog of the South, you’d know
what I mean – those bitter, jealous parts where prig-lord Ray Midge attacks the
personal upkeep and manliness of his wife-stealing rival Guy Dupree (a
leftist-radical megalomaniac).
Klopp may have been trying to emulate them when
she wrote these bits:
ate everything with his hands, and he always wiped his fingers on his pants. I
have never seen pants as greasy as his in my whole life.
sat beside me, bitching. He was a terrible backseat driver. He complained the
entire time that I was driving too fast, and to him as an Australian, the
German roads seemed far too narrow and full of traffic. What’s more, he never
quite got over the feeling that I was driving on the wrong side of the road.
When we
reached Switzerland, I spent all my remaining money on Ovaltine. I love the
Swiss chocolate drink, and for the rest of our tour, I couldn’t wait to get
back home and make myself a huge cup of cocoa. But when we arrived back in Wiesbaden,
the cocoa powder would be all gone. Julian had at some point torn open the
packages and poured the contents straight in his mouth.
usually couldn’t speak to him when he was working. He sat in deep meditation,
programming or reading something or other. At most he used to leap up briefly
without any warning and do some strange kung fu exercises. Some media reports
said that Julian was at least the equivalent of a black belt in all known
international martial arts. In fact, his improvised shadowboxing lasted a
maximum of twenty seconds, looked extremely silly, and was probably intended to
stretch his joints and tendons after all that sitting.
How much
closer can you get to Ray Midge’s self-consolatory whine? We’re just waiting
for Domscheit-Berg to tell us he can’t think of any Prime Minister who couldn’t
handle Assange in a fistfight. He also mocks his former boss’s attempts at
keeping a low profile (“You couldn’t have behaved more conspicuously than
Julian did.”) and how he repeatedly loses his way through the streets of
Wiesbaden. Yes, this makes our Julian seem pretty careless, but not as sloppy
as Domscheit-Berg when he fails to make a back-up of the WikiLeaks server.
When the
server breaks, Assange (rightly) tells Domscheit-Berg: “Wikileaks only survived
because I didn’t trust you.” Seeing that Domscheit-Berg later stole several
thousand files and kept asking for partial control of WikiLeaks’s money supply,
I can’t help but wonder if this was deliberate sabotage on his part.
is oddly incredulous, too, at Assange’s descriptions of his ancestry: “There
were stories of him having at least ten ancestors from various corners of the
globe, from the South Sea pirates to Irishmen.” Well, I’d believe a man had
nine ancestors – but ten? That’s getting a bit excessive. And IRISHMEN?! Isn’t
that just too exotic for words?
does a good job, though, of making Assange look like Portis’s Guy Dupree. He
gets into a fight with a corrupt Italian ticket inspector, on the grounds that
“the man in uniform has to learn his lesson.” He randomly attacks
Domscheit-Berg’s cat “spread[ing] his fingers into a fork shape and pounc[ing]
on the cat’s neck”:
about training vigilance,” Julian explained. Mr. Schmitt was a male cat, and
male cats were supposed to be dominant. “A man must never forget he has to be
the master of the situation,” Julian proclaimed. I wasn’t aware that anyone in
my apartment or the courtyard had questioned Mr. Schmitt’s masculinity. What’s
more, he was neutered.
Dupree’s words–“I know your movements and have access to your pets”– might
actually be scary coming from the founder of WikiLeaks.
there’s a key difference between Assange and his Portis-universe doppelganger.
Our Julian might be a control freak, but there are plenty of reasons to believe
he’s a genuine ubermensch. He works for days on end, hardly eats, has no fixed
address, sleeps on cold tables in a Berlin convention centre and carries all
his worldly possessions in a single backpack. He’s also taught himself to type
completely blind, because “working without optical feedback was a form of
perfection, a victory over time.” He refuses to bribe the Italian conductor
even when he’s likely to miss a flight to Germany by doing so. Domscheit-Berg,
on the other hand, the perfect Social Democratic yuppie, can’t stop mentioning
how much he loves cooking and shopping at “lefty alternative macrobiotic”
groceries. And yet he tells us he’s storing Assange’s files “in a safe, secure
location” because “children shouldn’t play with guns.”
In fact,
his whole OpenLeaks model is designed to keep as much heat away as possible
from the website operator, who’s little more than a go-between between the
leaker and the media. Domscheit-Berg isn’t even likely to get a threatening letter
from someone’s attorney. That only happens when you’re publishing, not handing
out exclusive email accounts. In his own words:
can be seen as a kind of sober, neutral infrastructure. We see ourselves as
technological engineers, not as media stars or global galactic saviors. Some
people may even think we’re boring. That’s just how we want to be. The main
thing is the system works.
or not, at least Assange can deal with pressure. He’d rather go fugitive, sleep
rough and live on his wits than surrender his servers. This is the guy I’d
trust in a guerrilla war campaign, the old “inflict-and-endure.” Compare that
with Domscheit-Berg, who claims to give homelessness a try for half a year
before running to his fiancee’s doorstep. Even his tolerance for messy hotel
rooms is much lower than any of Assange’s other lackeys.
In other
words, a pussy. But aggressively marketing his pussy-ness, with the goal not so
much of making the reader like Domscheit-Berg, as in trying to peel away
Assange’s crucial left-progressive supporters.
But let’s
take Domscheit-Berg at face value. How much value does he bring to the
WikiLeaks movement, compared to Julian Assange? Here’s an easy way of telling
if someone poses a real threat to the Powers That Be: How much can they endure?
If a bit of ceiling mold is enough to make them hoist the white flag, they’re
not the guy you want to back against the military-industrial complex. If they
have real conviction – ANY real conviction, whether it’s self-sacrificing altruism
or a self-inflated martyr complex, creepy or not – they’re much more likely to
scare the neocons and see the battle through to the end. The difference between
a careerist hanger-on and a martyr has nothing to do with selfishness and
everything to do with posterity, a Higher Purpose. A careerist has no notion of
posterity. A martyr does. That’s the difference. Domscheit-Berg’s
pain-and-poverty threshold is so much lower than Assange’s that you wonder what
he’s doing there, why he’s not delivering mail or serving in some safe job as a
Social Democratic Party hack.
about all the insane surveillance and death threats? Well, Domscheit-Berg won’t
even admit that Assange was harassed, at any point in his travels, by cops or
spooks. Take note: anyone who laughs death threats off into conspiracy theorist
territory will buckle, and buckle fast.
another odd thing about Domscheit-Berg’s memoir: the feel-good moments. In one
scene, a corporate executive contacts WikiLeaks, praises the site and offers to
organise a fundraiser in Manhattan for it – if Shite and Assange retract a
document or two. He threatens to call his attorneys when they refuse and they
tell him to get fucked. Later, the head of Germany’s intelligence agency, the
BND, emails WikiLeaks and demands they remove a confidential report. They
reply, asking him to specify which “BND-related” doc he wants them to remove.
He falls for it, admitting that a file titled “BND_Kosovo_intelligence_report”
is authentic.
doesn’t tell us whether these emails were his idea or Assange’s. It’s always
the royal “we”: “we responded… we wrote back… our next answer… we got a few
laughs… our response.” Seeing as Domscheit-Berg and Assange rarely met in
person during 2008 and communicated almost exclusively over a chat program, you
wonder if the emails to German intelligence were really the result of teamwork.
The email to the BND chief ends with the name “Jay Lim.” In an earlier chapter,
Domscheit-Berg suspects this is probably one of Assange’s pseudonyms, making it
fairly likely that Assange caught the spook on his own. Still, he can’t stand
the idea of Assange teaching an authority figure a lesson, so the credit goes
to “we.” At the same time, he theorises that WikiLeaks was probably a two-man
organisation for most of 2008. So, Domscheit-Berg, was it you or Assange? Stop
leeching off of him with those cowardly first-person plurals when the going is
good, and then distancing yourself when things get rough!
insists his motives aren’t really malicious. He insists that he isn’t trying to
compete with WikiLeaks but provide a “complementary” service. Just to show how
well-meaning he is, he even gives Assange a pious shout-out in his
Acknowledgements. But why did he release his memoir in the middle of the state
attack on Assange, when he faces extradition and trial? If that’s not malice,
I’d hate to see the real thing in Domscheit-Berg’s eyes.
Even more
suspiciously, Domscheit-Berg really seems shocked when Assange finally tells
him he wants to run Wikileaks as an “insurgent operation,” as if it’s a drastic
change of direction. This actually explains a lot – for instance, why Shite
didn’t know the number of volunteers WikiLeaks had in its early days. A well-organised
insurgent group wouldn’t tell the lower rungs exactly how many other lower
rungs there are. This protects the group from betrayal by individuals under
torture, and by Domscheit-Berg’s standards, torture is a smelly Icelandic motel
room. It’s also evidence that he never had real leadership in the group. He
joined at the end of its second year, had no idea how WikiLeaks was structured
outside of his own cell and now complains that Assange didn’t move it closer to
“other charitable organizations such as Greenpeace or Worldwatch.” You wonder
why it took him nearly three years to realise what Assange’s basic strategy
was. Didn’t he ever watch Pontecorvo’s Battle of Algiers?
I guess
not, because even if his motives are innocent, the guy’s still a White Hat.
Before joining WikiLeaks, he worked as a private IT security consultant for “a
large American company that did IT work for civilian and military clients.” (We
have to take his word for it that he didn’t work for any war profiteers.)
Twice in
the book, he mentions Adrian Lamo and doesn’t call him anything stronger than
“ex-hacker.” Lamo, it turns out, was a member of WikiLeaks’s original donor
list. When Assange accidentally forgets to blind-carbon-copy a mass email he
sends to his donors, Lamo sends him the addresses as an “official leak.”
Instead of treating it like the brutal sabotage carried out by what everyone
and his grandmother assumes is a government informant, Domscheit-Berg seems to
think Lamo was only throwing the chin-strokers a bone:
It was interesting
because we had spent some time philosophizing about what would happen if we
were compelled to publish something about our own organisation. We agreed that
we had to release things that were bad as well as good publicity. In fact, our
internal leak went down well with the press. At least we were consistent and
none of the donors complained.
I don’t
know whether Domscheit-Berg is a spook himself or just one of their useful
idiots, but he’s in for a long, long year of rat comparisons.
Glazov lives and writes in Perth, Western Australia. Email him at “ramonglazov
at gmail dot com”
also: http://www.studentafton.se/?p=833
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Anke the equal |
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Daniel Domscheit-Berg |
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Daniels promoting his "Inside WikiLeaks" book |
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Julian and Daniel |
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