October 5, 2012

Ecuador's Ambassador to Sweden, his views on Expressen articles about the case and the situation in Ecuador

Ecuador's Ambassador to Sweden, letter expressing his views on Expressen articles about the case and the situation in Ecuador.

Ecuador's ambassador to Sweden Mario Guerrero Murgueytio: Any decision may be appealed in due legal or administrative arrangements within the Ecuadorian Telecommunications Act.

Press Freedom Act of the Republic of Ecuador

To Mr. Thomas Mattsson, editor, Expressen, Stockholm
Mr. Chief Editor: In recent months, the prestigious journal of which you so meritorious results published articles regarding Mr. Julian Assange's case, but also expressed some views on press freedom in the Republic of Ecuador.
Under Section 67 of the Ecuadorian broadcasting law, a concession agreement with radio and television networks terminated on the following grounds:

a) the concession period has been exceeded,
b) at the request of the concession economic interest,
c) stakeholder's death;
d) failure installation within the prescribed time;
e) repeated malfunctions,
f) the concession holder's loss of civil powers;
g) the sale of the franchise;
h ) receiving financial support from abroad to engage in political campaigns or harm national security;
i) delay in payment of the concession fee six times or more;
 j) the promotion of physical or mental violence against children, young people or old people, racism or incitement to racism, sex trafficking, pornography, drug use, religious or political intolerance and similar attacks on human dignity.
Within this framework and in accordance with the records of Ecuador's National Council of Telecommunications and the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, the following states:
First Between October 2009 and August 2012, 99 licenses revoked due to various breaches of the current Ecuadorian regulations. The largest number were unpaid debt to the State (six or more non-performing loans). As for recall rate, it should be emphasized that there are 22 radio stations at local or national level, eight of news and entertainment, 14 with only music.
2nd By comparison, 240 concessions for essential media company renewed or granted during the same period. These concessions have been fairly divided between the private and public sectors. It should be emphasized that the leading private television and radio stations are included in these figures.
To further illustrate to the foregoing information I attach illustrative graphics. This video confirms the technical and legal regulatory control exercised by the competent authorities for telecommunications. It should be emphasized that any decision can be appealed in due legal or administrative arrangements within the Ecuadorian Telecommunications Act, which aims to regulate the orderly use of radio and television frequencies.
Your esteemed and pluralistic newspaper has always defended the full "replica law". So I am convinced that you will publish this letter.
I take this opportunity to express my assurance that you have my deepest consideration.
Mario Guerrero Murgueytio
Ecuador's Ambassdor in Sweden

Published by Expressen; Author: fjarde.sidan @ expressen.se
TRANSLATION:  http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.expressen.se/debatt/pressfrihetens-lag-i-republiken-ecuador/&usg=ALkJrhgd0PSVBqj8yVHqMLiBBtK8LrzuMQ

Original: http://www.expressen.se/debatt/pressfrihetens-lag-i-republiken-ecuador/  

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